Technical Description

- 3U/4HP VPX CPU board, VITA 46.0, VITA 57.1 conform
- Xilinix Virtex-5 XC5VSX95T with 640 DSP slices, 14.720 Virtex-5 slices and 244 BlockRAM, opt. FX70T or FX100T Virtex-5 FPGA
- One FMC site, VITA 57.1
- 256 MB DDR2 RAM
- Opt. 2 QDR2 banks with up to 8MB RAM
- 16MB flash
- 32MB SPI flash
- 2,5 Gb/s or 3.125 Gb/s data rate per lane, depending on the type of the interface (PCIe or SRIO)
- Opt. PIC µ-controller for system management
- 24 GPIOs on P2, 8 single-ended IOs and 16 Differential pairs
- One RS-232 port via P1
- 2 GTP x1 links usable as 2 1000BASE-KX ports
- One PCIe x4 port
- Two GTP x4 ports
- In 3 environmental classes available: standard (0°C .. 55°C), extended (-20°C .. +65°C), and conduction-cooled (-40°C .. +75°C)
- 2 years warranty
Order Information
3U/4HP VPX board, Virtex-5 XC5VSX95T, FMC site, VITA 57.1
3U/4HP VPX board, Virtex-5 FX70T, FMC site, VITA 57.1
3U/4HP VPX board, Virtex-5 FX100T, FMC site, VITA 57.1
Quad 16bit 800 Ms/s DAC
Quad 16bit 135/200 Ms/s ADC
Quad 14bit 250 Ms/s ADC